
21, female, living in Seattle. This state is hard enough to connect with, despite the fact I am an INTJ. I am slightly extroverted though and enjoy meeting people, but I despise communicating with people who're not intellectually satisfying. Like at work for example, customers will just want to chat about THEIR day and THEIR experiences and shit, when honestly I could care less. They never bother to ask how I am so I shut them out when I realize they just want to waste my time when I'd rather be working on my homework or something that benefits ME.

I thought I was alone. I had no idea that this was a thing until I took my personality assessment and got placed as an INTJ. I never could understand why I couldn't maintain a friendship with any females or why I would automatically assume they hated me whenever they didn't text me back. I am now starting to come to the realization that maybe they don't want to be close to someone like me. Maybe my strong personality makes them pissed. And let's not even talk about relationships... I am horrible at them. Whenever I like a guy I tend to isolate myself from them and NEVER EVER tell them my feelings until my feelings fade and I lose interest so another potential goes down the drain. I usually talk myself out of dating because I don't feel like wasting time. I feel like dating is shallow. I feel like guys just want sex and I see that so I know I need to stay away in order to protect myself. The only thing I don't get about INTJ females is that all of these articles say that they're undeveloped, lazy in their appearances, and lack the use of makeup, or whatever. I am the opposite. I am quite attractive (not to be cocky) but I did modeling for quite some time and enjoyed it. Can a woman be a true INTJ but take pride in her appearance? I like to look good (FOR MYSELF) and feel better when I get ready, and not to mention narcissism is quite often used in relation to INTJs. So how can we be narcissistic yet lazy in self appearance?

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