Carolyn Sanders (not verified)says...

So much to say here.... Firstly, I have nothing but male friends and that is perfectly fine. Why must we associate with other females regardless of anything? Secondly, I'm grateful that I had a brother who was quite opposite to me because as we grew up, he told me that I was a weirdo and THAT was insight to me developing skills on social interactions. I forced myself to understand the humans - I embrace my alien. Thirdly, watch stand-up comedy because it's full of insight & humor about human behavior. Yes, I do get testy, my main issue with society is the incompetence. I'm constantly telling people how to do their jobs. Other than that, I try to remind myself that I should enjoy the time out & about in society & I usually do this by screwing with people's heads. It makes things fun for me & most of the time they don't realize I ran circles around them until the social transaction is complete & I'm already on to the next. Playing mind games with others is satisfying & mentally stimulating if done playfully & not to exact any pain. Hope this helps....

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