Female INTJ (not verified)says...

Although most of the things mentioned in this article touch upon genuine difficulties of INTJ's, it's equally important to point out that a significant subset of INTJ's don't experience this. A lot has been written about the ostensibly traumatic experiences of being an INTJ woman in the dating world. A distinction exists between the nature of people's dating experiences: in the realm of attraction, one tends to be a "generalist" or a "specialist." The first are your conventionally attractive people who charm a wide range of personalities; "specialists" or niche individuals, on the other hand, tend to be highly attractive to a small subset of people. As an INTJ female, most of my traits - be these strengths or weaknesses - have been extremely different from those of the majority of women. What I've found is that certain men look for these traits (usually INTJ or INTP men). The vast majority of men like these with whom I've interacted throughout life have at some point ended up romantically interested in me, and this whole notion of INTJ females having so much trouble with dating hasn't been confirmed by my actual experiences.

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