Eres (not verified)says...

As an INTJ, I tend to not engage in arguments but rather readily treat them, if they may occur, as discussions where constructiveness and calmness take place. I don't avoid or retreat, I state my ideas and thoughts straight out with consistency, clartiy and sincerity to minimize misunderstandings or miscommunications. I don't hesitate in starting discussions as long as it provides a balanced ground for people within it and help clear things up for everyone. I've always carried a one definite mindset that it is more helpful to let arguments be in the form of discussions where involved parties take turns sharing their feelings and thoughts honestly. In addition, I don't let myself be swept away by the people who choose to do so or people who avoid confrontations. If there are hints of disagreements or conflicts, it's always better, at least for me, to clarify things with honest perspectives. Finding compromises, agreeing on differences, accepting contradictory views, honoring and seeing personal values, etc..., anything but silent stubbornness, avoidance and ambiguity is in my radar of trustworthy methods for resolving conflicts.

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