B. (not verified)says...

I would like to thank for the article as well as for all the comments, with which I connect entirely.

It makes me sad how hard life can be for INFJs, but for me finding out that my personality type is the least common and that I experience life differently made me understand better why I so often get very low and why I've never felt like I fit in, although I've always tried really hard to do so. I had a relationship in which I was not happy for quite some time, but I just didn't want to connect my depressions with being misunderstood by my partner (and my parents, AND most of my friends at that time), so I would intentionally overlook everything negative and force myself to see the good in the relationship. Typically, I would blame myself for everything and hate myself for being so different and misunderstood. Eventually, I could not bare the self-sacrificing anymore, as I suddenly realised I'll either lose my partner OR myself, which was a waking call for a break-up with my ex-partner (after almost 4 years). Being alone is hard, but honestly, I feel just as alone as I felt in the relationship most of the time (especially the last year). Now I'm trying to reconnect with myself and get to know myself as much as I can, and, for God's sake, finally trying to stop faking my way to "normality". I'm trying to let myself cry when I need to, not trying to stay strong all the time, fearing that my vulnerability will make others love me less (although I hate crying in front of others, so I always connect with my emotions only all by myself; a huge help is yoga, meditation, reorganizing my room, playing piano, reading books and writing - I've kept a journal since I was 5).

So that's how I'm coping with my sensitivity. But if there's one thing I really want to say here, it is this: Learn toMAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY. For some personality types a little bit of selfishness is absolutely natural; not for an INFJ. Fail at listening to yourself and try faking being someone else and it's a straight road to depression, disconnection and misery. But the world needs us strong, calm and active. Because who else would wake up every morning determined to make the world a better place?

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