R. (not verified)says...

I think I can finally get myself to talk about this, cause as it seems I might not be alone.

I always had problems to feel accepted by my classmates. Almost everyday I was being bullied by others, just because I didn't share the same interests with the mainstream and was more emotional (especially to become extremely mad about small things easily) than for a boy should be normal.

When I couldn't handle the pressure by the others anymore, I went to a psychologist and asked for help and what it could be whats wrong with me. He diagnozed me as an HSP, but at that time the entire HSP-topic was not (and is still not maybe) officially accepted (in germany). So he diagnozed me officially with "emotional disorders" instead.

There was no solution for me unfortunately, except to exit the situation when things start to overflow for me. My school never really payed attention to my diagnoze and of course the mobbing didn't stop neither way. Forcing me to repeat the 9th class, which finally was a better one, where I started to find good friends who had the same issues I was having. These "aggression attacks" happended less often and I finally started to feel comfortable in my surroundings a little.

But now my school years are long over now, unfortunately my aggression attacks never left. I never were violent nor destructive, its more like a thunder strike of anger which appears when I get into uncomfortable situations or when I'm in a hurry or when there's a uncomfortable situation I can't control.

It makes the heart feel like its made out of lead when you try to keep the anger's energy inside to avoid hurting others. Especially if someone is sad and feels lost, you feel like you hurt yourself somehow, charging up the negative energy by others just to load it onto yourself, just to explode later when something out of the sudden happens, that you can't control nor expect. Just out of interest I participated in a personality test, just by interest to know what my personality type would mean in the MBTI-System, which a good friend recommended me to take a look at.

Well I usually don't spend much believe in such tests, cause they tend to be very inaccurate unfortunately. But I was impressed how well my results fitted to me, of course I kept the "Barnum-Effect" in mind, where you could think something applies to you by 100%, making you ignore the real facts about yourself, ending in a misunderstood result in general.

Well i made the test 6 times already with a constant 1-day break in between to make sure my decisions are always as unique and honest as possible. With maybe a ~10% inaccuracy each time, my result stayed the exact same each time: INFJ-T. When I investigated what that "-T" means, it explained how I managed my thoughts, being perfectionistic and neurotic, also not being equipped with a good "time-feel" nor the ability to work well under time pressure. - Everything fitted perfectly, even making me cry a bit.

I wondered if there's a possible connection between the INFJ-types and the HSP-types and I think this article helped me very well to let me understand who I (maybe) am.

Thank you.

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