Saja (not verified)says...

This is a fascinating article. The Joys & Frustrations section is particularly interesting to me, as I think I would've answered the questions differently depending on where I was in the parenting life cycle. My sense of accomplishment and ability was very different when the children were babies & toddlers as opposed to now with the youngest a senior in high school. For example, I spent most of the children's younger years feeling rather inadequate and mistake prone. Now that the youngest is about to leave home, I am loving my relationship with each of them & feel that, despite all my errors (which I have logged & am happy to provide to their therapists, to make the process more efficient & less costly) my children are lovely people to be around and each has a good sense of self, so I believe that each child will find their path in life.... I also want to confirm the findings that, for me, being a stay-at-home mom was a privilege and a necessity. I simply couldn't think of any other way to be a mom. And I am an INFP / ENFP.

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