J. (not verified)says...

I test as INFP. When I was a child, I dreamed of being a mother and a wife...but then my parents divorced, which traumatized me and destroyed my faith in marriage and parenthood. I switched to searching for the dream job. Well, God has other plans. Every time I prayed for my "dream job", He gave me a fake dream job which turned out to be my worst nightmare (e.g., my boss sexually harassed me and tried to force me to marry him!)...until I accepted that my "dream job" is wife and mother. He also told me that I will be a stay-at-home mom, which is the opposite of how I was raised (by an ISTP mom), so that's what He's been preparing me to do for years. His preparation has included an unplanned pregnancy (after warning me away from that relationship!), many classes on marriage and parenting, teaching children, praying for singles who want to be married and families, counseling married people, etc. After decades of fearing marriage (loss of independence, adultery, divorce) and motherhood (damaging children), I can finally say that I am no longer afraid of marriage and motherhood. All glory to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

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