
I completely understand you and it was so refreshing reading your comment because I finally felt like someone understood me. I took the mbti test about 2 years ago and my results were ENFP, I took it again a few weeks ago and now with different questions it gave me ENTP as a result with 51% thinking and 49% feeling. And I took it again once more a couple days ago this time getting ENTP with a 10% difference instead of 2%. I'm a little confused about this because I read for the ENTP descriptions is that they love to debate and thrive off of doing it, I've tried to imagine myself being in a social situation where I've actually enjoyed debating with people. I realized that I only throughly enjoy debating if it's something I'm passionate about or know enough information about, otherwise I don't care and I don't feel the need to. As for when I was typed as an ENFP I looked a lot online for descriptions of the type just to be sure that I was one and they all said how the ENFP was always super sweet, cheerful, and bubbly. I found that to be pretty funny because people close to me say how they wouldn't describe me to be bubbly and friends of mine said before they knew me, they were scared of me because of how intimidating I look. The thing is though once they got to talking with me they realized how nice I am and I was very open and easy to get along with. I still wouldn't say I'm bubbly though. Another thing I noticed with myself is when my friends ask me for advice I lay it out straight to them and I don't sugar coat anything to spare their feelings, I feel like it's much better to take the rational route when I'm giving people advice. I kind of feel like I can switch between ENFP and ENTP depending on my environment or mood. A lot of websites I visited say that you're either one or the other because thinking and feeling are two different functions. I still don't know if I should consider myself a rational ENFP or a feeling ENTP, but I am human and humans can't be put into boxes and labeled because we are so much more complex than that. I grew up with a very logical mother who is an ISTJ so that could be a possibility as where u got my more rational side from.

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