Blackie (not verified)says...


You are wrong in so many things that I suppose I can only start at the beginning.

For anyone willing to read this all the way through... ?. You must be an INTP ?.

(That's not a challenge, you don't need to read it)

"So, I made the test several times and with years in between and the result is always the same: INTP, but I don't really find myself similar to people here, for example, in this comment section, nor t o the person who this article. I don't think I'm as intelligent as I was supposed to be, upbringing, disease, etc. but I still find that many people come very short and away from what a real INTP is supposed to be."

You say that you "still find many people come very short and away from what a real INTP is supposed to be," yet at the same time you say that you took tests (presumably created by people other than yourself... I think you didn't mean "made" when you said "made"?... ) in order to determine your own personality category.

With this in mind, I think we can assume that a person or people, besides - and excluding - you, have done the research and determined the separate attributes and characteristics which coalesce into each general personality. "General" because there is likely no person who will fit their personality category to the extreme, nor in a uniform manner to others.

In this case, it cannot be determined by YOU what an INTP is "supposed" to be, nor whether any of us here - none of whom you know PERSONALLY (I presume) - are within the general category of INTP.

"Also, INTP are the rarest of personalities, so, It should be hard to find them,..."

While INTPs are indeed rare (being only 3% of the population), 3% of the world population is still 227,308,269 people. It is not a stretch to assume that an INTPs curiosity - about themselves no less - could bring a few of them here.

It's not like the stars had to align above a hidden London street on the night of a new moon while Gypsies play "The Parting Glass" in rounds.

We have Google, and Baidu, and whatever other search engines are out there, it's not hard. How didyouget here?

"... but what I mostly find is people believing to be an INTP when there are most likely NOT. For example: "esoteric concepts" I'm sure NO INTP is into those, since that involves believing in theories that cannot be proved!"

For those interested, here is a link to the definition of "esoteric".

In short, it means 'specialized and obscure', and in this case refers to topics of knowledge.

As for believing or not believing in "theories that cannot be proven"... An INTPs curiosity (at least my own) is about discovery. If I restrict myself only to topics that can be proven, where is my own discovery? How do I know it can be proven before I "discover" it? Do I rely on others to inform me of "provable" topics? I might as well shut up and do as I'm told.

"Next: " Others might describe him as an insufferable know-it-all who can never admit he is wrong " hummmmm. great hummmm. NO true INTP should be fall into that category, because the ALL a INTP BRAIN wants to do is to find where the error lies and there is nothing more enjoyable than when you find an error in your thinking, it's like an open door to the unknown that will soon be known by you! because finding errors in your theories, means improvement and being close to the truth and that is absolutely delightful! So, when I found ONE, just one person, who could show me some error in my thinking, I was fascinated to find such a human being, that could give me fact and logical material to support his theory and show me that was wrong. I loved it! Wish all humans would have that capacity, then true INTP would be the rule and not the exception."

Several things are wrong here.


You quote directly, "Others might describe him as an insufferable know-it-all who can never admit he is wrong," yet you ignore 1/4th of the sentence, "others might describe".

This isn't about whether an INTP really IS a know-it-all, it's about whether he comes across as one.

Every opinion/choice a person makes is what THEY think is the best choice to get what they are seeking.

Here are some different circumstances:

a)"This is the best option."

b) "Every option sucks, but this the best of all these bad options."

C)" this option is a terrible choice, but right now it's so good! " (i.e. an addict, thrillseeker, a choice with great risk and great reward, ...chocolate)

D) "I don't know enough to decide what is best" (which narrows it down to two choices: action or inaction; is randomly taking action the best choice? Or should I wait and do nothing for now? ).

An option may be controversial:

"society frowns upon it, but this is what's best for me"




"no one believes this can be accomplished - no one believes I can do it".


"no one's as interested in this as I am (I. E. Climbing mt everest, etc. )"

No one will choose an option that they believe truly will be bad, unless there is nothing better. If they WERE going to - and knew it - they would simply change their opinion to the thing they DID believe was best. Obviously.

In other words: everyone believes they are right. And as long as you stubbornly (and unsuccessfully) contest their opinion, you are "an insufferable know-it-all who can never admit he is wrong".


You are arguing the possibility of any INTP, anywhere, EVER actually being "an insufferable know-it-all". Obviously you're wrong, because you're speaking in absolutes and absolutes can't be proven, especially with people.

I'll argue in 50/50 likelihood instead, and the answer is... I can't prove anything with that either. But whatevs.

If your definition of a know-it-all is that THEY think they are right, but are really WRONG, then I think the situation(s) for an INTP to be a know-it-all would be:

A) the facts presented to him are wrong, and so he has reached the wrong conclusion for the circumstances

B) their versions of meanings, methods, purposes or goals do not match with their counterparts; aka they aren't "on the same page"

(I think the author of this previous comment is likely here. It's pretty innocent)

C)这不是一种误解。他是他的骄傲research, intellect and ability to comprehend complex, esoteric subjects. He is used to being the smartest person in the room. In which case, his forgone conclusion is that he will have more, and better, information - with a more comprehensive, unique and applicable perspective - than anyone he will ever meet. Ever. Because so far its been true. least he thinks so.

他可能是他所有pride-eggs放在一个篮子里. He needs a hobby. A different one.

(I'm probably here, lol. At least right now. Oops! ?)

D) he's answering a question no one's asking. And that's annoying.

(I'm probs here too)

There could be more.


"You find emotions irrational and unnerving"

WTF?????????????????? emotions are a huge part of human beings, if you are true INTP you would LOGICALLY know that and accept it and launch yourself on the adventure to know more about emotions, not only yours, but those of humans and animals as well. It's a pandora box! but it still has it's rules, so not INTP would think emotions as irrational. That is so not intelligent."

I will agree that this title IS oversimplified. ...Even though that's not what you're saying.

From my own experience, I would say instead "You find the making of decisions, based off emotions, as irrational." As opposed to using logic to make decisions. Need I say more?

And for the other part, "Unrestrained expression of emotion is unnerving (and illogical - not something I would do), (not because it's in any way inappropriate, but because now I need to respond somehow in a similarly emotional fashion, and while my emotions are not missing, nor stunted, I naturally wish to guard myself against the vulnerability of openly revealing what raises emotional feelings within me. And after all this time, I either find it difficult to resist my habits of restraint, or feel no desire to change, even in this instance. Or I know that my outward emotional expression is not well-accustomed, and will likely appear fake - perhaps even to the extent of appearing manipulative and tact-less. Which will be heartbreaking for me to be so judged in my rare moment of willing emotional vulnerability.)"

I generally really on my cheerful emotions for expression.

"'You can be cutting and passive aggressive'

NOoooooooooooooooooooooooo, passive aggressiveness is nt tided to a personality, it is tided to being a coward and having huge difficulties to assert yourself and express your true self and needs. So, that has nothing to do with INTP. INTP has not need to be passive aggressive, they know they got something right, or some fact or some knowledge, that makes you assertive which is the opposite of being a sorry passive aggressive person. That is why people get annoyed by INTP, because they do dare to express what they think, because faking what they really think would not be logical and the brain doesn't let you express things that are not true."

如果INTP的目标(或任何)是只箴言e themselves right, then certainly they will only ever be interested in aggressively pushing their ideas on others.

And a person so concerned with aggressively proving their courage is likely afraid of discovering themselves to be a coward. A small man in a big truck.

A truly courageous person will disregard the furthering of their own importance, and use the method most suited in the moment for encouraging deep thought and personal reflection in their counterparts.

They would rather have a person come to a deep understanding of truth, through that own person's thought process, than be able to take credit but reach a shallower level of truth in that person.

"A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."

~somebody said that, somewhere

As for "cutting and passively aggressive"... I will freely admit to that. "Passive aggressive" is for passively annoying people, who are either beyond hope and/or strangers/acquaintances who don't know you well enough to handle your suggestions for any purposeful or good end. You're better of avoiding confrontation, and shielding your eyes and ears from their stupidity.

"Cutting" is for when they turn from passively annoying to aggressively annoying. Generally these are self interested people seeking to prove their courage.

(I'd say that "aggressively annoying" sounds like me right now, but arguing over the internet doesn't even seem to fit the courageous bill ?)

"'You have the attention span of a goldfish'

WTF again! having that problem has another name and I don't think that is a characteristic of INTP, because that is a disorder and LOGICALLY disorders do not belong to personality traits. INTP get bored easily, right, because their brains are are back and forth 10 times already when the speaker, writer, teacher, etc has just given two steps to certain direction. But, if an INTP finds an interesting teacher, speaker writer, etc, they will surely focus their attention to what this person is saying. LOGICALLY, if the material/topic/information is lose and obvious, there is not need to waste energy focusing on something to meh!"

You're right, and so are they, but if you'd really read the article, you would already know that.

"I didn't even read the whole article, because LOGICALLY all the tittles should tell me what the each section is all about and that tittles were saying: here is no true INTP found and there is no logic to support this information."

Logically, the titles are meant to encourage the reader to keep reading, not do the job of the paragraph. If explanations could be so short, we should all just learn through funny memes.

"I know, hate me, but I'm right."

That sounds like something an insufferable know-it-all would say. So doesthat.

"Just look it at this way: between you and Albert Einstein there is a WORLD of difference, so either the test is too wide and includes people that should not include, or you were not really honest and you are confused on who you are and your personality type."

Speak for yourself. You don't know me.

"I really don't think many real INTP would even waste time explain this here, but I do it because it's fun to let you know guys that you are not INTP and that if you have problems focusing, exerting, etc or/and problems understanding or denying your emotions, if you have developed emotional disorders such as being passive aggressive and if you believe in esoteric theories and you are trying to "tune down your supposed INTP personality", you are LOST and you are not an INTP!!!"

That's very aggressive of you.

"... because this article is not even base in facts, it has huge contradictions you if you were a real INTP you would have NOTICED IT!"

You realize psychology can't be based in fact? It's not truly measurable because it's all relative. (You can prove some psychological derivitives (actions) though... I think.)

In science you can prove that A causes B, and you can say that you have never seen C cause B, but you can never disprove "C causes B".

Logic IS that things cannot be disproven. You cannot prove there is no Santa without seeing everything in the universe, in every instance, past, present, future. And you can't prove there's no Godly higher being of creation - same reason.

That's actually not relevant to any of this, it's just interest. And it's 3am.

As for contradictions, I've noticed many. In a certain long comment... Under a certain article... ☝️?

Anybody, feel free to contest me. I don't know everything, and maybe don't know anything!

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