Alan L (not verified)says...

As a male INFP, I can highly relate to this.

Ever since I was young, I was always told to "man up", and I struggled throughout my teen years and even now, with my masculinity. I'm a very sensitive and emotional person (I cry very often and quite easily), and I always seek to be kind and empathetic to others, hating conflict and being aggressive, preferring to hide away to deal with my feelings rather than unleash them on someone else.

I'm almost always in a mental battle with myself — on the one hand I accept myself for my more "feminine" traits, and I can really see how they benefit me and the people around me. But on the other hand, I hate it when I become overly sensitive to other's criticisms and people see me as "weak" — especially when it comes to the opposite sex.

I prefer to hang out with females over males, feeling that women are more emotional and empathetic towards my mood swings than men. But at the same time, part of me wishes I could be "manly" and be buddies with other men.

I feel so alone as a male INFP at times. I feel so misunderstood, and like there isn't really a place for me in this world. I'm very often told that I'm quite peculiar, unique, weird, different — in the way I think, the way I do things etc. I can never really fit in with most people, and sometimes I don't even want to.

Anyways, that's just a bit of a rant. Thanks for writing this post! It was a great read :)

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