Chris Munson (not verified)says...

Thanks for your insightful "rant", Alan! As an ENFP, who is an individual who grew up in a home with an extremely domineering mother, and "castrated" father, I too "suffer" from tendencies that are so much more identifiable with "recognized" female gender attributes of sensitivity, empathy, and the like. I am a writer, poet, musician as well....but the complexity is exacerbated by the fact that I have lived and worked as an engineer for many years. Trying to understand "how and where" I fit in has been an endless struggle, and I sincerely doubt I will ever know what "true place" I belong; yes, as you noted, I too feel "odd", like a chicken keeping afloat amongst a pond of ducks. But even as I wish I was a duck, I can't be one. To close, I just wanted to acknowledge that I appreciate your feedback as it truly mirrors my own experience and struggles. Thank you.

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