KtMc (not verified)says...

I’m an ENTP woman living (or rather, living 3 days out of 7, because we are very independent) with an INTJ man. I knew my family had different gender roles as my Mum was main wage earner and Dad (prob INJP) gave up his career to allow us to live in a better environment. I knew I was different but being an ENTP didn’t bother me growing up. When the ISF and ESF girls called me a freak I loved it as it proved to me I was doing something right!

Later, I was able to communicate very well with young men and suddenly the tables were turned on the “popular” girls who had no idea how to have fun with the boys, as they’d been too interested in competing with each other. I could go BMXing, running, swimming at the beach while they worried about whether or not their mascara was waterproof. My Mum always told me I’d realise it was better to be comfortable in my own skin than to conform to others expectations. I was definitely too combative at times and stubborn to a fault, but I am now in my late 40s i’m my own person and happy. Gender personality stereotypes are on the way out I hope. I hate to see sensitive boys being told not to have emotions just as much as I hate to hear young women should “just behave” as I was.

As Jencie says, being a woman and ENTP gives you access and power to talk to men about gender roles and to call them out. One of my good friends is an ENFP and lets me “teach” him whenever he’s unconsciously being gendered. That’s a great privilege to get. More power to all the NT women!

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