Brian Stephenss (not verified)says...

Mikayla - Great article and superior summary. I share similar personality characteristics and of always been drawn to business. I seldom got motivated just for the sake of making money. I opened a business brokerage years back because I was disappointed in what I saw in the marketplace and thought I could add value by doing a great job. I spend a lot of time caring about my clients as they plan to retire and love helping future business owners exlore the path of self employment. That's pretty exciting stuff and when done well, that's proven to be a great way to earn a living. Plus as a business owner, I am free to learn, educate, helo others, and be creative as I see fit and as the need arise. I also work with people who are now entering a second career - now considering business ownership and entrepreneurship. It's amazing to see how many people think that they just can't make it in the business world because they been told that their personality and/or their experiences do not eqiup them to make a good match for self-employment. I found a personality profiles help people understand their natural weaknesses and strengths so they can plan accordingly for successful self-employment in a wide variety of industries that excite them.

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