Defeated INFJ (not verified)says...

Thank you for sharing this wisdom with us.

I am an INFJ. I am a mid-life career changer. At mid-life, I am still trying to find an employer that fits with my values. Every employer that I have worked for incorporates policies that turn employee against employee and make the work environment a competitive dog eat dog place. It makes me miserable and I wilt in a place like that. I have actually become physically ill and have developed health issues from all of the years of working in such competitive environments.

I am never promoted nor viewed as valuable by my employers because I refuse to compete. This is true even when I am the most seasoned and talented employee on staff. I lead by example, but am never given the opportunity to lead.

I am an INFJ that has given up trying to make it in the business world. I am even considering moving out of the country, since I have been told that my cooperation over competition attitude does not fit with Capitalism. I am meant for something, but not for dog eat dog employers that don't care about their people at all.

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