xXx (not verified)says...

I completely understand the 'issue' and the possibilities mentioned here seemed to be valid - in certain percentage of the final result. The thing is that also one of main characteristics of INTJ is actually that as they are focused internally in their own processes and systems, they are most probable to get to know themselves for example to get their own inner world working as efficiently as possible and that would of course also mean to map the system, optimally to the most possible extent.

Also statistically speaking- most extroverted people don't need to go so deep into their own personality, they usually are focused on external world, being in social situations etc. Types other than INTJ are usually also not so interested in that particular goals of changing the world, spend less time in research. Not everyone also likes analysing things that much and like constantly, every item in the world around them. Majority is also not so interested in self development. Nowadays it is all quite popular. Yet, INTJ type, amongst others of course, have this inner desire naturally.

People with this kind of interest in things and how things and people work are sooner or later bound to find MBTI, Big Five, etc. Personally I noticed not many people U meet actually know about MBTI - it is different from people U meet on the internet.

像政治prefference——有研究always huge difference in between the research thru internet and other - plastic - way of research.

Also - how about INTP ? ENTP, ENFJ or ENTJ? INTPs for example have very similar traits to INTJ.

And I would also mention to the tests - yes, the questions are actually so easy to read that it can be easilly manipulated or unintentionally misrepresented. Like many people misinterpret shyness with introversion.

It is upon each individual, if they become interested in the topic to research more and validate the type, wheter it really fits their inner working to get the most out of it.

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