Sad INTJ (not verified)says...

So INTJ of you to make an article to dismantle INTJdom, but then basing it off how many internet blogs that are written by INTJ proclaimed authors - not the most accurate measuring stick, wouldn't you think?

With that said, I don't know why anyone would want to type as an INTJ for fun. There's a reason most people type as sensors, because it's usually quite accurate - especially the actual test. I do type wrong often, usually as an INTP, which I think may come out when I'm not sleeping enough and turbulently diving into my work without much pre-thought. Sometimes I test as INFJ when my self-esteem plummets and I go into people-pleasing mode. Otherwise my Fe is the lowest function. I could even see myself testing as an ENTJ in the future when I get over my ego and start to appreciate the value of networking. Find your best matching cognitive functions and keep trying to discover more about yourself - the more you know, the more success you will drive. Like you say at the end, it doesn't matter.

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