Mohamed Mohamedsays...

I took your test. Answered as honestly as possible. And got INTJ. Borderline introversion/extroversion. Second most likely type is ENTJ. Closest S type is ISTJ, and then ESTJ. INTP was more likely than said sensing types, but not ENTP. After reading up on cognitive functions, INTJ seems more sensible than ENTJ, because I don't think I have inferior introverted feeling. Nor do I believe I have tertiary extroverted sensing. I also don't use introverted thinking all that much, like INTPs. My rationale is rather simple. If the proof is evident, then it's sensible to accept it as objective. Apparently introverted thinkers, such as the INTPs and ISTPs, do not fall for these modes of thinking. Reminds me of my ISTP co-worker. As for my affinity for ISTJs and ESTJs, that's probably due to extroverted thinking. All four types, ESTJ, ISTJ, ENTJ, and INTJ either have it as their dominant or auxilary function. The difference is apparently introverted sensation vs introverted intuition. Although these are two contemplative perceiving functions, the difference seems to be easy to grasp. Introverted sensors apparently contemplate using their memories. It's sensory in the sense that it's based on reality. Introverted intuitives comtemplate with ideas and concepts. All in all, seems like when you go by the process of elimination, INTJ seems to fit the best with me.

Also, I think people don't appreciate that each of us are not a monolith. Not all ESFPs to INTJs are the same. They simply share the same type and have similarities. They all still come from different cultures, upbringings, environments, and nations. These obviously play a role in the individual's overall development. So you may be surprised by your typing, but you shouldn't let stereotypes on a behavioural basis detract from you accepting your type as is. Instead, prove people wrong by living the way you want to live and expressing your personality type, your own way.

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