Loox (not verified)says...

Hello fellow INTJs! I just stumbled upon this article today and it got me thinking. When I first took the test I got INTJ and when I read the description I really found myself in it. I rarely get understood and it was a relief when I found out, that I am not a weirdo, it is just the way my brain works. But sometimes I find myself wondering if I really am INTJ. The author is 100% certain that he is INTJ and doesn’t question it not even a bit, but he does criticize others. On the other hand I always wonder ... I like to follow rules. Is this an ISTJ rather than INTJ thing? But I follow them if they are there for a reason. And I hate traditions. I hate having to do things just because most people do it this way over history. I wrote and published 2 books from age 12 to 18. I am a doctor, I do research. But it is never enough for me. And after all that I still feel like that 12 year old girl, sitting quietly in the classroom, frequently been overlooked. What I am trying to say is, the core of INTJ is analyzing, dissecting things, even ourselves. Are we really INTJ? Are we the shy, boring ISTJ or rare INTJ? I think being sure of your supremacy and ego is the last thing an INTJ would do. Sorry for my english, I am not a native speaker, but tried my best.

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