Jonny Luszha (not verified)says...

The thing about the Myers Briggs & Keirsey etc. personality tests is that they test for a type PREFERENCE; i.e. 'This is how I prefer to be'. doesn't mean that is how your personality is in Reality. This is one of the Big fallacies of this self typing stuff. Another fallacy is it makes no room for the Forer Effect; which basically means "If this is how I think I'm supposed to be then over time I will make myself/turn myself into 'that'.......

Next fallacy on this stuff is a big one - these personality tests make no room for identifying personality disorders. If a person suffering some kind of personality disorder takes the test, it will auto keyhole them into one of the 16 'types' rather than identifying them as having a disorder which can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist; not a psychologist mind you but a psychiatrist, you know a REAL DR.!

Bottom line its generally all a bunch of crap as trying to keyhole 7 billion people into 16 compartments is realy just plain ridiculous. Oh & yeah, I've always tested an INTJ.......

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