MyName (not verified)says...

I'm self learning that's why I'm here reading. I have no background about mbti. I only came across it after taking enneagram first. I took some online mbti free test and came out intj first try. When read it's rare for women my first reaction was "oh, that's cool." and felt special. Then after reading all about it, I felt some descriptions doesn't resonate to me. If any, I'm not happy being labeled intj. Took another test from another source, came ISTJ. Now if my unsatisfaction and wanting to be something else affected that, maybe but, ISTJ description is more comforting even after taking tests 10 tries, 8 intj's and only 2 istj's result. It's childish doing that but yeah.. I wish to be something else than intj and no, I will not pay for a professional service. My life and death doesn't depend on these tests that are just made by humans.

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