Your INTJ dad (not verified)says...

2 percent of the world population is roughly about 154,000,000 and 2 percent of the United States population is about 6,544,000 people (not such a small number now, is it?) It's no surprised that a large percentage of intjs feel misunderstood by a large percentage of the population because of their Conflicting personality traits (being an assertive introvert and idealistic dreamer while also a disagreeable cynic really leaves people puzzled) lack of emotional expression/understanding and prioritization of facts over feelings (leaves people feeling as if intjs are narcissistic know it alls) intjs natural tendency to be skeptical about everything makes them question whether or not a person is trustworthy enough for a long term friendship or just some superficial plastic npc which leaves the intj with only a few friends if any (might make people view the intj as aloof or stuck up) only causing more alienation and feelings of being misunderstood as much as intjs enjoy quiet solitude they're still human and have a desire for human interaction, friendship and love (although not in the way most people do) intjs tendency to see flaws by asking themselves "does this work" "how will this work out in the long run" applies to everything even their own personality so it's not a far fetched idea that a large number of intjs (possibly millions) stumble upon mbti while on their pursuit of self improvement and better understanding of human behavior after all intjs are always trying to improve themselves and their surroundings intjs aren't fond of chaos which is what they typically view emotions and socializing as. its not far fetched that an intj would want to turn that chaos (socializing) into something orderly and familiar instead of having it be the chaotic and unknown

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