Definitely NOT an INTJ (not verified)says...

It's simple: INTJ is the magical special snowflake type that everyone wants to be because it's so rare (2%) and INTJs think and see in magic patterns like Sherlock and Doctor Who and all the other pseudo-geniuses that Tumblrites adore and aspire to be like.

A real INTJ wouldn't bother broadcasting the fact.

They either wouldn't see the point because it doesn't achieve anything or they'd be too busy acomplishing something that's actually worth acomplishing, if the reports are at all accurate.

Furthermore, broadcasting one's 'INTJness' is an inherantly social act and INTJs are supposed to be antisocial, preferring to stay out of the spotlight, so the idea that they would bother to inform the world about their Myers-Briggs type, particularly through something like a news article or blog post (i.e. a digital soapbox) is quite ludicrous.

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