Posh (35, Black Fem, INTJ) (not verified)says...

人们不藉的68%。社会would literally not work. The percentage of each type evolves based on the societial needs, but there is a logical explanation to why INTJ's are a rare type. (just like with INFJs, ESTJs, which are also rare types) Try to imagine what society would look like right now if 68% were INTJ's, People want to be INTJ's, were labeled "The Mastermind," and the "Archetect," but most INTJ's aren't excited when they discover their MBTI type, we typically aren't going to brag or tell everyone. INTJ's are incredibly self reflective, but also struggle with people, feelings and social norms, so I think mbti helps us understand ourselves and people better. But I don't think the worlds would be in the current status that it is in, if 68% of us were, INTJ's with ideas like, Nichola Tesla, Karl Marx, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking. Those are top tier examples, but consider their thought process, and the INTJ function stack, with Ni at the top. Who would maintain the systems INTJ's are constantly creating from thier imagination to better society? Society wouldn't be driven by perception, clout, or presentation because INTJ's don't value those things based on thier feeling or sensory. They value them based on how they can be used effectively and efficiently as tools to reach the INTJ's main purpose and goal. We currently live in a hyper-emotional society with conflicts based on personal opinion or how someone "feeling" about it and not facts and evidence. INTJ's find this infuriating, with a constant need for the truth and authenticity.

I disagree being a "feeler" is frowned upon these days, its just that societies default emotions have changed to aggression, rage, hate, fear, defensiveness. All still "feeling," but not all looked at as weak.

The US is currently ABSOLUTELY being dominated by cult-like personalities from unbalanced ESTJs, ESFJs, ISTJ's, ISFJ's (types with Sensing or Feeling first whether introverted or exotroverted) and types like them who make up a majority of the population. The reason they make up the majority of the population is because they maintian the ideas, philosophies, structures, processes, ect, that typically N users incept and than (if the N users can, lol) bring it into the real world.

I am sorry but this sentence"INTJ is called the Mastermind, which is the coolest title of them all."Are you sure you are an INTJ? We typically don't consider ourselves "masterminds," nor do we resonate or even enjoy that stereotype. The way our brain works can often times be more of a burden and exhausting, especially in a society that can be so socially demanding. The traits that people connect with INTJ's that conflate to "mastermind" often times are so default in our thought process, we don't even realized we are doing them. INTJ's will often times master a skill privately and then be surprised when people are impressed with how well or fast they mastered that skill. We had a purpose for learning that skill, we probably isolated ourselves to consume as much knowledge about that skill and we typically aren't going to use skills we don't feel confident in. Our deault functions, Ni, create in a linear path with a singular future focus, Te, organize, plan, prepare, check in with social tribe, Fi, check this idealogy and the tribes reactions with my own personal value system, Se, experience new things "here-and-now" in the real world.

ISFP's are not the rarest, assuming you are an INTJ, we typically aren't that compatible with ISFP's which may be why they seem rare. ISFP's lead with Fi and Se, which are INTJ's weakest functions; it may be difficult for us to communicate with ISFP's because of that.

INTJ's don't"feel special,"because they are one of the "rarest types," we feel misunderstood. The metrics typically used to quantify "mastermind" aren't typical high priorities in our value system. We don't care if the mass think we are "masterminds," it doesn't feed our self worth or image.

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