Michael of Michigan (not verified)says...

I can see how that seems kinda smug and douchey (especially 3 and 4), but it doesn't have to apply that way. As an INTP, this was how I read this article:

1.Rationals want to have a real, organic relationship, not one made from society's cookie-cutter assembly line.

2.While they wish they did, rationals have no idea how to flirt and will drive themselves crazy trying to figure it out. Because of this, they feel cornered when expected to flirt or flirt back.

3.(With a little comical overstatement) For a Rational, intimacy involves sharing and exploring thoughts and ideas, so if the only type of conversation they can have with their most intimate partner is futile and empty (i.e. Coke vs. Pepsi or Ohio State vs. U of M (sorry lol)), a Rational will feel as though their partner either rejects or cannot access what they feel is the richest and most important part of them.

人al note: A Rational probably does not need their partner to carry and lead the conversation or even have any sort of mastery of the topics (though that may be a plus). It is generally enough just to be willing to listen, think, reply, and follow their line of reasoning while adding questions and thoughts of your own to enrich the flow of thought (it is even better if genuine interest is taken in the topics). I knew a woman who had little familiarity with any of the topics she and I discussed, but her interest and willingness to follow the line of thought and contribute with observations and thoughts of her own was incredibly attractive.

4.For similar reasons as Number 2, Rationals are not comfortable with expression of feelings. Often this discomfort may come from inarticulateness or from the feeling that direct statements or displays of affection from them would be trite and gaudy, so a Rational will either avoid the topic or attempt to convey their feelings subtly to protect them from insipid vapidity. In order to deal with this tendency, a partner would either have to have "thick skins and tremendous self control" in order to need much less affectionate expression, be able to interpret subtle hints, or (depending on the individual) help the Rational to feel comfortable making simple expressions of affection and assure them that these expressions are appreciated. Note: even after this last option, expression may still come less often than from other personality types merely out of preoccupation.

5.Enjoying and being accustomed to being absorbed in their own thoughts (and the level of isolation/individualism that it entails), a Rational may find it difficult to focus externally for extended periods of time (as is necessary to maintain constant interaction with another person). They will also likely desire to enact these ideas or engage in an environment where the Rational's abilities can be used to bring about meaningful results. A Rational does not mean to reject their partner, but merely desires to have an individual identity as well.

6.(Similar to Number 1) Rationals naturally focus on concepts, ideas, and principles rather than societal norms, expectations, and the passage of time. This can make them very absent-minded and forgetful of events and practices that most people consider to be important. A Rational may also forget that particular days are special to others - either because they become absorbed in their thoughts or because, in their conceptual perception, particular days (as concepts) have no emotional quotient assigned to them based upon their placement upon the Gregorian calendar. (I, for instance, frequently forget my own birthday if not reminded, and do not consider it especially important for others to remember it.) It is also possible that a Rational may simply overthink these events, and so (for reasons similar to Number 4) avoid or neglect it (consciously or subconsciously).

7.Rationals want their relationships to work (not be dysfunctional) and want to make them as good as is practically possible. They reason that this is the right thing to do for both parties of the relationship, as both will suffer from either a dysfunctional relationship or from a painful breakup after an emotional investment. It is necessary for them, then, to look past their emotions and determine which potential partners they can offer a functional relationship to and so spare the others from the disappointment of a later breakup and/or the pain of a turbulent relationship. The Rational does not wish them ill, but merely determines that this relationship is not what either one of them needs.

8.While rationals are hard on ideas, they are tolerant on people. They will bludgeon an idea to death trying to get it just right, but do not expect perfection from people, and are willing to accept people's quirks and faults.

Keep in mind this is only MY take on it. I may be wrong, and other Rationals will have their own interpretations.
Also note that the way that these personality types manifest will vary depending on many influences including environment, ideology, religion, philosophy, and education.

I think this post proves, whether correct or incorrect, that I am definitely a Rational. :P

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