Helen T (not verified)says...

The hardest decision I've had for a long time is deciding which personality type I am. Seriously! I've seen myself from so many perspectives it's driven me crazy. I have dived into my unconscious and found so many subpersonalities it's confused the hell out of me. The positive is that I've also been healing all the hurt parts that were completely hidden from me.

This article is INCREDIBLY helpful. It's so spot on for my agonising and analysis paralysis. As a stay at home mum who doesn't have to return to work for financial reasons I've contemplated what I 'should do' for a long time. What I can now see clearly is my habit of maximising instead of satisfycing.

My challenge now is to remain landed on ENFJ and not keep learning more to maximise and end up reading stuff I don't relate to and then undermine the certainty I feel now that I'm an ENFJ.

The real challenge though is to make a decision and take action. I'm usually fiercely independent in not seeking professional help but I'm feeling very willing to seek career help right now to help keep me on track and guide me through returning to work.

Thank you SO much for this information. After 10 years of studying the enneagram and more recently MBTI this information feels like the missing puzzle piece. I'm under no illusion that the path ahead will be easy but at least I have a chance now of actually taking steps instead of treading water.

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