
This topic very much speaks to me, an INFP who in a long life has learned kind of a lot but accomplished pretty much nothing. I have begun to think we IN types (at least INFPs) may benefit from taking a different approach to the whole idea of setting goals and measuring accomplishments. I have found this article from Mark's Daily Apple intriguing and, so far, helpful, not just for health but for other matters:

"Alternative Goal Setting: How Free Spirits and Slow Burners Can Achieve Their Health Visions"

"Conventional wisdom tells us significant changes require that we establish and adhere to a list of preset action items—all in a concrete trajectory toward success. The problem is, this falls flat with some people. They might adhere for a while but lose interest because being hemmed in doesn’t fit their lifestyle or their personality. They don’t lack motivation.Some of us are simply more exploratory and squirrel-ly by nature." (Emphasis Mark's.) One of several suggestions: "Don't make specific goals at all. Build systems instead."

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