快乐W (verified)says...

I don't think that has as much to do about his personality as it does depression. Let's just say he has been through a lot of emotional things all at once. He doesn't know how to process these things properly a lot of men do not like therapy and won't go. In order for him to have a more positive attitude he needs to HEAL the parts that are troubled. It's not easy and will take time. But if he works towards it and learns he can have a more positive life. If he doesn't want to work at it that is a whole other issue. Marriage is difficult and if you are having issues with your partner (that are effecting YOU mentally) you need to discuss. If he is unwilling to get help than you have a decision to make. Stay and love him for all his negativity but continue to feel bad. Or leave and work on you work on finding someone who wants to be in it with you.

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