Platypus (not verified)says...

My husband is ENFP, and the struggle between us mainly stems from his "gung-ho" attitude and my blunt/permathinking mode. I tend to upset him over things that I think aren't a big deal, and he upsets me with his explosive emotional reactions.

I find his argument illogical, so I tend to exit the argument scratching my head.


Husband: "do I look fatter?"

Me: "yes."

Husband: "I've been training a lot though!"

Me: "Yes, but you also drink a lot of beer and binge-eat 5 minutes before bed."

Husband: "no I don't!!"

我:* *”显示了垃圾……Yes, you do."

Husband: "like you're so perfect yourself!"

Me: "...huh?"

Husband: *storms off*

Me: "... huh??"

*1 hour later*

Husband: "I'm sorry."

Me: "OK."

Husband: "you angry?"

Me: "No."

Husband: "you sound angry."

Me: "this is how I sound most of the time."

Not an exaggeration BTW. This is how most of our arguments start and end.

I miss being alone and drama-free.

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