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Finding balance between my different interests always bugged me. When I was intensely into music, I felt like I was becoming dumber every second because I understood the patterns between music composition (don't get me wrong, I still love music and enjoy how complex it is) and I lacked more intellectual challenges severely. Then, years later, I applied at university to study maths, then biology. While it gave me that intellectual challenge, I was now looking for more creativity. The good thing is that biology is the middle ground of about all 4-core science disciplines (physics, math, chemistry, computer science), so you need a bit of everything to get around in class. I'm doing above average in most of my classes and never felt so motivated to finish my degree. I make illustrations and help kids in high school as a part-time job. I guess I'll just end up making sci-fi comic books or nature memes as a career. XD (Seriously, though, there's hardly a day where I don't worry at some degree about my future... I still don't know how to deal with juggling multiple interests and getting things actually done. I gave up traditional planners 2 years ago because it was a constant reminder of my past failures... :( )

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