
My second grade experience was similar. I was different than the other kids but I could not figure out why. I was so disruptive in class that my teacher segregated me (shock!) from the rest of the class. I shoved all my school work into the back of my desk (after signing my name on them) and went over to the play center to make masterpieces out of the bristle blocks. I hardly turned in a single handout the whole year. Like you, however, I became a fast bookworm. I loved stories. By the time I was in 7th grade, my reading comprehension was in the 98th percentile in my school. I wasn't diagnosed with ADHD until I was 27, but my school record definitely reinforced the diagnosis (I also had grand mal siezures until I was 5 and then I stopped having them). After a stint in the Navy after high school, I managed to get a BS and an MS, and I'm fairly successful. It did not look as if I would make it far, but somehow I turned things around, so it is doable.

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