Elle (not verified)says...


Your article really resonates with me! I am often quietly accomplishing so much at work, that sometimes no one actually notices just how much I am doing in a given day! Although I know I am doing well, it's been hard when my coworkers and boss don't seem to see just how much I am keeping everything running smoothly. While others complain vocally when something isn't easy, I will just think through it, take my time, and get it done!

I recently spoke up to my boss, addressing the fact that while I am often focused in tightly on tasks, that doesn't mean I also don't have a personality! I am introverted (an INFJ) and also very articulate and passionate. In my experience, people just aren't curious enough or don't want to take the time to see past their own noses, to truly learn who you are as a person. I am hoping that by doing excellent work, speaking up for myself when I am feeling uncomfortable about something, and showing my happy and intelligent personality whenever I get the chance, that I will be accepted by my coworkers as a valued team member.

Thank you again for writing this - it really is spot on!!

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