Anna 7030 (not verified)says...

I was about to reply that this was a bunch of baloney then I went through the post and had to admit there was some truth in it. My first reaction was due to the fact that these past couple years, I somewhat easily apologize and genuinely ask for forgiveness. My change of stance is motivated by a desire to live by my religious beliefs. I still have some trouble apologizing to some narcissistic people in my life for snapping at them and giving them a tongue lashing. In these situations, it's a power struggle which is at play and I don't want to open the door to another round of manipulation. Some might ask why would I bother thibkith about apologizing in such situations? It's just about the delivery of "my" truth. As it is basically stated in the post, TJs aren't in the business of giving shallow and insincere apologies. So if I snap at you and finally tell you a few home truths, be assured that it's what I really think of you and I will never apologize for the spirit of my words. However, I think that sometimes, I must apologize for the letter since I deliberately chose those hurtful words to convey my feelings. In the past, I used to tell people:"I'm not gonna apologize for what I said because I thought every word of it but I am truly sorry for my delivery." Well, I can assure you that to people, that wasn't an apology because they expect you to retract the whole inflammatory statement and tell them that it was just anger, you didn't think any of it. Nope, won't do it! So, for the time being, there are people who I should apologize to that I still won't.

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