Michelle Cardenas (not verified)says...

TJ没有借口没有t apologise for something that caused a really bad problem. It has nothing to do with being a TJ, it has a lot to do with a person's ego and not being capable of admitting or taking responsibility of one's actions and therefore not really caring about the person/people who are involved. In my experience that's what ruins relationships and friendships. I've seen some TJs do this bit I've also experienced an FP in my family do this very frequently as well and I knew that this was one of the main reasons why they were so disliked by everyone around them. It takes a good level of maturity and intelligence to be able to look within and think about how and why a real, genuine apology that a person truly means can and does go a long way in maintaining good friendships and relationships. Im not in any way implying that a person needs to appoligise small, common mistakes. Primarily just getting of your proud high horse and implementing more compassion, understanding and humbleness toward others as well as just listening an being more receptive to another person's perspective. This is coming from a TJ and I'm not ashamed nor afraid to admit it. We're all different and therefore have different needs that need to be understood and respected.

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