LuAnn S (not verified)says...

Update to my most recent post (see the addition at the bottom):

I posted earlier about my thoughts that whether the feeling function is dominant or auxiliary seems to me to be a greater determinant of "how feelers feel." I would have predicted that an INFJ, for whom intuition is dominant and introverted, and feeling auxiliary and extroverted, would prioritize being true to themselves and their framework of moral principles at the expense of harmony in their environment. It sounds like that is the case for you. :-)

Here's a link to something I found that may be of further interest, particularly wirh regard to auxiliary (extroverted) feeling in INFJs and ISFJs:

Oh...and this too is helpful for this discussion:

My conclusion then, after also considering the information in the above two links, is that with introverted feeling (ENFP, ESFP, INFP, ISFP), regardless of whether it is dominant or auxiliary, the priority will be given to being true to oneself and one's framework of moral principles over external harmony. With extroverted feeling, there is a difference, depending on whether its dominant or auxiliary. ENFJ and ESFJ, both dominant feelers, will prioritize external harmony, while INFJ and ISFJ, both auxiliary feelers, will prioritize being true to oneself and their framework of moral principles over external harmony.

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