
我是INFJ中档。我之前和我之后的兄弟姐妹分别是3年前和3年后。我个人认为这无关紧要。我一生中有一段时间只有一个兄弟姐妹和我住在一起,有几年没有兄弟姐妹,有些时候和父母住在一起,有些时候和祖母住在一起。我总是觉得我和别人不一样,我珍惜我的个性。我也是唯一一个金发的人,而且很瘦。我是唯一一个在户外的孩子。我回想起一岁以前的事情。我的其他五个兄弟姐妹都没有。我在9个月大的时候就经历了童年创伤,目睹了一场枪击,浑身是血。 Hit by a motorcycle doing 50mph and nearly killed getting off the Kindergaten bus one day. I recall sitting alone in a dark apartment from age 1 to 2 1/2.I watched out the window waiting for someone to come home everyday. I remember thinking I didnt want to be noticed in crowds. I remember thinking cruel looked like monsters and I would never be that or look like that. When I was hurt I recall thinking I never want to be responsible for causing pain like I felt to another. However most children seem to ingest those hurts as a guide to aquiring control and power and a means to invoking fear and intimidation while completely oblivious to what that actually feels like to be the one experiencing such things. I believe empathy is not necessarily a shared human trait I think most people grow up just wanting to find they “belong” with their family and are the same. They should do research on personality types and early childhood traumas and the phenomenon of peer pressure, fitting in, and value of individuality. I believe there is more to this than most realize!

