Cella (not verified)says...

I'm the oldest (INFP) and have younger brother by about 3 years (ENFP). We have ISTJ/INTJ parents so I think there was a lot of confusion and consternation when we were growing up on my parents part regarding our strong P nature, that is part of what would convince me more towards the biological nature of personality. My parents put lots of pressure on us to be more J, but we just couldn't. Despite this, I have made lifestyle choices more in line with a first born, overall have had a fairly responsible & conventional lifestyle that probably comes in part from being a first child and having such highly responsible types for parents. My brother was able to break the mold a bit more, like living out of a van a rock climb after college, which could have to do with being younger and well, being an adventuresome ENFP! Anways, what I believe intuitively (see, can't stop being INFP) is that we are born with our type preferences, but our families can influence us to such an extent that we can mistake our innate preferences, or even mistype ourselves (who hasn't met someone who just seemed completely extroverted who thought of themselves an introvert, etc). Perhaps as nuerological studies advance there will be more biologically based ways to test the preferences, like being able to compare stimulation on the brains of introverts and extroverts which I believe is already being done. Fascinating stuff to ponder, thanks for sharing this!!

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