AndreaF (not verified)says...

You can only set goals where you have 'control'.

For the astronaut proposal - you have zero control over being accepted into the courses you need. However, you can apply (a goal) and do the preparation (a goal).

Managing your time is possible - and checking time-gobbler habits. Totally within your control.

However, you have zero control over whether a delivery will arrive in time for you to take the next step. You can hope. You can prepare. And if everything goes pear-shaped because there's been a stiff earthquake then all you can do is activate Plan B.

Plan up to the point where you have to hand over to the other person or people. Those are the actions you can guarantee.

(If date night person has to work late or the kids have come down with The Lurg - there will be no date night regardless of plans and goals. Alternative plans are called for to reach the desired outcome. A touch of lateral thinking and creativity, perhaps?)

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