
我希望我是“创造”这个问题,因为这样我就可以做些什么了。Jagruti,这些人告诉我,他们当着我的面看待我。这不是妄想。人们也不希望社会接受那些会说这样的话,但被问及时却没有理由的人。我不需要在雷达下,除非我被骚扰和虐待。我总是为自己和自己的行为负责,并尽一切努力倾听别人的意见。就像我说的,我和男人相处得很好,但女人很难接受一些女人没有被社会追求所消耗。他们表现得好像他们渴望得到社会的认可和关注,不明白为什么我根本不在乎。当他们试图冷落我,却发现我其实很高兴他们这么做时,他们似乎更生气了。他们似乎是在故意伤害对他们不感兴趣的人。 Oddly enough, romantic relationships are so much easier for me than friendships/coworking, and much more worth the effort. I stopped actively trying to make friends 15 years ago, so much emotional effort to get to know someone, time spent with that person building a bond, its just not where I choose to direct my energies. Social rejection? If that means they're leaving me alone, excellent. I believe there are good people out there, I just believe I haven't met 99.9% of them.

