amelia bchbum(未验证)说……

我对你的评论感同身受。我想让你知道我结婚了。我在恋爱方面运气不是很好,但我嫁给了一个ENFP,这真是太棒了!我们在一起8年了,就像永远在一起一样,但同时一点也不无聊。我们花很多时间聊天,我们没有电视,我们都投身于我们的事业和阅读。我最近也发现我是一个INTJ,像你一样,我意识到为什么我不能和周围的人相处。我和谢尔顿也有共鸣!我想让你知道,总有那么一个人是最适合你的,你只需要像对待其他事情一样去做这件事,从战略上讲。我在网上认识了我的丈夫,并“面试”了他…哈哈!我只是告诉他:“听着,我不想浪费你我的时间,所以我有一些问题需要提前解决。”他说:“你也想让我把问题集中起来问你吗?”我说:“当然!” If I'd just done that, to begin with, I would have saved myself a ton of heartache over the years of just going out with guys because they were attracted to me, not because they cared about me! Good luck to you and DON'T SETTLE! There IS a man out there that can handle you being you. There's nothing wrong with us and there are a lot more men out there that would LOVE to have a woman with our personality. Trust me!

