Guest (not verified)says...

I think INTJ because she adds meaning behind everything, she is in fact a know-it-all but it doesn't seem like it because she is usually reluctant to lead so doesn't always speak what she believes is superior to what everyone else is doing/thinking/saying. I get that a lot from the books. She doesn't trust authority and in 13, ignores her daily schedule and goes off somewhere else, sneaks Buttercup into 13 before she's allowed to etc. She also has the strong principles associated with INTJs, where she tries more than anything to make sure innocent people aren't sacrificed no matter what. In Mockingjay she devised a plan to go off on her own and kill Snow rather than follow the plan everyone else was following, arrogantly thinking she could kill Snow on her own. Also, maybe not entirely an accurate example, she would on her own at school with the mayor's daughter and said she wasn't good at making friends. This seems to suggest INTJ rather than ISTJ as INTJs are much much rarer making up 2% of the population and may have caused her to not feel like she fits in with other people, whereas this perhaps wouldn't have been a problem if she was ISTJ, which make up 12% of the population.

I don't think she is ISTJ because like someone else here has mentioned, anyone in Katniss's situation would need to learn practical survival skills, so that is not exclusive S (and there are also athletes who are INTJ anway.) I just think it's blindingly obvious that she's an N, adding so much meaning behind everything.

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