Guest (not verified)says...

I am an INTJ woman - only recently found out. All of a sudden my life makes more sense, really, and I understand myself better and the world better. Also - I am a published writer. Some of the critiques that I (quite frequently) get from my closer friends/acquaintances is that my characters lack "emotional gut" and all of that also now makes sense as I always find myself more focused on the whole of my writing. The metaphors, the structure of the text, the symbolism, the entirety of what I am trying to say rather than the individual characters and their emotions - although I do try to focus on that also. It is a more structured and systematic approach that I tend to take, generally. But - I will definitely be writing one or two INTJ female characters, soon. Maybe one in a play - that could be quite something. (I also write for the theatre.)

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