
苏珊,我也是一个内向的人,多年前是一个成功的电台主持人。最后,我的早间节目在我们的AM-Radio市场上排名第一……而这正是你所说的原因。我和我的观众们在一起,并且能够迅速做出改变。主持那个节目我最喜欢的部分是,在我的大部分时间里,我都是一个人在演播室里!工作人员直到上午9点才到办公室报到,那时我的演出已经进行了三分之二。在大约5个小时的时间里,我不需要和任何人打交道,除了那些忠实的听众,他们总是打电话给我说“早上好”,或者要求唱一首特定的歌。我告诉人们,如果他们付给我花生酱三明治,我就会在那里工作,因为我太喜欢那里了。我选择的歌曲,我知道会打动人们,与他们交谈,并满足他们的需求(这是一个基于宗教的电台)。对我来说,这份工作最糟糕的部分,就是站在公众面前,人们还能认出我的声音。一天晚上,我和当时的丈夫在一家有高面板隔间的餐厅吃饭。 We were chatting about something and suddenly this head popped up over the top of the booth, eyes wide open "I know you!" This was a complete stranger I had never seen before invading the little bubble we'd made there in this public place, as folk do when they're out for a relaxing night. I sat there, stunned, not knowing what to say. "No, I'm sorry. I don't think you do" I replied. "Yes, yes! I do know you! You're that lady from the Morning Show. I'd know your voice anywhere! Wow, this is so neat!" She was super-excited to meet me, and of course I was pretty much mortified. I'd never had that happen before, so I didn't know how to respond. My then-husband graciously stepped up and shook her hand, awkward as it was, over the booth and I thanked her for listening. It made the rest of the dinner uncomfortable for me, as I worried the whole time she was listening to our conversation. This happened a few times during my 3-year tenure at that station. I never enjoyed remote shows, either. Too many people wanted to come up and make chit-chat which I really have no use for. I did my best to be polite and gracious, because there were bigger market stations these folks could have tuned in to each day. But all in all, this was a lot of fun for me-a lover of all kinds of music. Programming that station was one of the most successful ventures I have ever undertaken. I interviewed for another radio job (not an on-air position) a few years later and was told by the hiring manager there that he knew where my gifts lay-programming and as an on-air personality. He'd heard my show and thought the way it was presented was nothing short of excellent. Needless to say, he felt I'd be bored stiff sitting behind a computer screen plugging ads into a daily log. He was probably right. I didn't get the job, but I still remember him telling me that my former boss still used my format on her station because it worked so well. Introverts can do anything, with a little confidence and knowledge. As long as we challenge ourselves to push the envelope of our (sometimes) narrow comfort zone, we can do amazing things!

