
Dearest Dan,

It appears to this humble writer that you have uncovered a critical flaw in Ms. Linda's query, that being the aforementioned paradox of dishonesty that you so tactlessly pinpointed.

However, being the obvious beacon of truth and justice that you are, it should be an effortless feat for you to concede that, with little imagination (thankfully!), that quite possibly what you were actually attempting to indicate was how such a condescending individual as yourself becomes rejuvenated when engorged on ego-fattening self importance and armed pessimism. This attitude reflects that of child with poor-sportsmanship, or possibly a chronic tattle-tale or an upper middle class playground bully.

Thank you, Danny, for illustrating exactly what has absolutely nothing to do with Linda's concern. Linda, follow your heart, for it cannot lie to you like your brain is apt to do.

P.s. You also misspelled a word, Dan.

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