Gayle Weinraubsays...

Hi Inventor, thanks for your thoughtful comment which brings up many serious and complex issues. The assignment that was given me was to examine the challenges to faith which Thinkers experience, and to look at how religious Thinkers approach this area of their lives. So that is why my article examines what I call keys. If you saw my previous article which this one links to, you saw the study which indicated that Thinkers tend to struggle more with faith than Feelers. I assume that those who live a life of faith do so because of one or more of these keys which have helped them overcome their barriers to faith.

Many believers who identify as Christians find, as we read our Bibles, that God loves us and desires a relationship with us as does a parent with his child. That's why He cares what we believe. I believe that worship is more for us than God, as He doesn't need anything. I don't think the point of worship is to assign credit for things, but to acknowledge and praise Him for who he is. I believe that you are correct in your thought that gratitude has value for one's psyche.

Actually Christianity will stand up to an examination of what might appear to be inconsistencies. I was a tough nut to crack myself before I became a believer. As far as there being many different religions, I do not say they result from beauty and diversity but a lack of study of, confusion about or refusal to follow what is in God's Word, the Bible. In John 17 in the Bible Jesus prayed for His followers to be unified, so I don't think He is pleased with, as you said, so many different religions, beliefs and practices. That is also why, as you said, religion is the cause of so much strife and violence in the world.

I think God is pleased with us seeking objective truth. Thanks so much for your comment and may you continue to seek and be blessed as you do so.

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