DoyDoy (not verified)says...

Hi Gayle! First off, just as a (perhaps) helpful fyi, I am an ENFJ- CSJ System Confirmed twice.

Second: I agree completely. I'm still in the vast proccess of the "Knowing" part of my faith, but I've learned to see and choose it as a opportunity and challange to know, explain, and see my faith more clearly. Even if/when I come down to a point where there is an option to choose faith or not based upon no absolute evidence for either I choose Faith in Jesus Christ and the God of the Bible because it is the one I have decided I want to live by- for many good(/okay, depending on who I is reading) reasons.

第三:我也同意上面的评论,但我thought responding here to you on this one would be a perfect opportunity to thank you for the thoughtfulness you put into your blog and interactions, and the thought invoking conversations that are a result from it.

I've enjoyed immensely the different opinions, experinces, and perspectives touched/shown in this comment section, which have motivated me to keep searching and looking to further that "Knowing". I've learned to see challanges to my faith/doubt/uncertainty as an opportunity to grow and learn more about the world around me, how people think, and how I can make a better testimony/example/case for my belief to those people. How I can put my one life to the best use and be the best person I can be while here on this earth, no matter what. That's my goal.

I've been to your blog many times for personality research before, mostly for personal research or for writing, but I plan on coming here and commenting a lot more in the future for my own enjoyment, mental stimulation, and personal/intellectual growth.

God bless you!

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