这是一个有趣的思路。这是我第二次读这本书。老实说,第一次我觉得这是一派胡言。在另一次阅读它之后,我仍然对很多内容有一些问题,但我确实涉及其中一些。我认为我的主要问题是,很多这些“不健康内向者的标志”并不是内向者独有的。从统计学上讲,INTJ是所有MBTI中最内向的,我发现这些事情很自然地发生在我的生活中,但我也在我的ENFP母亲和ENFJ朋友的生活中看到过它们。我个人对冲突没有问题,但这只是我自己的事情。就你的解决方案而言,我同意它们无疑是好的。我在生活中遇到的一个问题是,无论我如何试图向人们解释,设定界限,都不会改变人们对我的看法。我是我的界限的执行者,但这是我必须承受的十字架。 I am still constantly being told that I am antisocial and I need to get out more simply because I am trying to survive. I know that sounds dramatic but after living in a house with 12 girls for 9 months that were spent interacting with thousands of people I know what I need. I guess I’m just saying that feeling these things doesn’t mean you are unhealthy and it’s not always your fault. I’m not a victim and I don’t believe my friends and family are trying to harm me at all but I also know that they don’t fully understand the way that I feel and my needs. It is just part of existing in a world full of different kinds of people

