
Eerily accurate. Feeling a bit exposed! Yours is the best description I've found, to date. And like an INTP, I have researched and analyzed these personality categories and details for years. I got that "Thank you for your candor" fairly early in life. At first, I thought it was a compliment. I love candor. Nuff said. I've been a hopeless nightowl all my life. I find isolation such a sweet peace. There is an episode if STNG titled "Tin Man". Near the end, Tam Elbrun boards Tin Man and tells Data, "All my life I have waited for this - a chance to find peace. Finally all the voices are silent. Only Tin Man speaks to me now. Don't you see, Data? This... is where I belong." I like the isolation because it brings me peace. It takes so much energy to navigate the world's voices.

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