Carol A. Weaver (not verified)says...

Hi Becky,

I can relate to you wanting to lead a prayer team or small group over taking care of a baby. The Self-Preservation Two is more into caretaking. I am a Social/Sexual Type Two. So, I would rather lead a prayer team too. It is about your basic fear. The basic fear for Type Two is "fear of being unwanted and unloved." If you are on the healthy side of your Type Two, you are going to manifest characteristics of a Healthy Four and even a Healthy Eight for that matter (although I find I go to a Healthy Eight after going to the inner self-nurturing side of a Healthy Four). I used to tie on Type 9 and Type 2, but while I don't like conflict, I am willing to risk the discomfort to get to a harmonious connection. My Spiritual Director was the one who broke the tie after 6 years. :) She said, "You wear your heart on your sleeve and don't have repressed anger" (Type 9s don't even realize they have anger sometimes but they do.).

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