Betty Severs (not verified)says...

BAS1214 your words and our intention here is to learn, grow and offer insight, our experience to others.I am a Feeling oriented person. By now your proposed deadline of giving your difficult relationship 6months to a year is over and you have made your choice. Reading your words, I hear you in a Thinking stance judging the feeler as having “low EQ” I do not hear you speak any feeling? And this is the demonstration of the feeler seeking some connection with you on that level, getting hurt by no response, judgement, rejection ( the thinker confused angry protecting themselves from what they perceive as criticism rejection( mostly their own for themselves) cause their partner may be very angry by now giving their all to “tell them what’s wrong” and no matter how long, how hard they “talk to get the other to see hear and Most importantly FEEL them…) the other says” I really wished I knew why you are upset. Deep painful unhealed childhood trauma can be triggered. Despair feelings of not being seen, heard, valued. Then judged” low EQ” for a highly emotional reaction, sounds off to me. More another way to protect and reject. This all is a very painful pattern, FOR BOTH partners. We are not looking to make right and wrong here. I do hope you might be consider finding a professional to work with, someone you can trust. I have struggled with this pattern for over 5 years, looking for help to make some sense through all the strong emotions! Now it is coming, and I am growing ways I never imagined. I KNOW my partner loves me, and I am understanding him more, letting go of needing him to be there emotionally,(I turn to my girfriends) I am becoming more( kindly) assertive, setting boundaries, and giving to him love in the ways I was so wanting from him. It’s been a very tough lonely road( over 5 yrs) but now articles like this are coming that confirm what I have been experiencing. I love B and I know he loves me . That has really helped me to not just get angry and reject him. And I know I deserve better communication and connection. I understand so much more about myself, and I see his behaviours. I will never know “why” he is like he is. I see him missing and suffering in his other important relationships. I feel very thankful for the work people are doing to understand human relationships, and offer info that may help individuals who are struggling and suffer. I wish you well hc and all.

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